Monday 12 December 2011

Filming Schedule and Weather Forecasts

Wednesday 14th December 2011
We plan on getting most of the filming of our first draft today, as to ensure that continuity flows. We plan on filming the scenes where Sophie walks towards the drug exchange and the scenes in which Sophie practises the dance movements in her bedroom. We will be filming these scenes from 3pm - 5pm.

Wednesday 21st December 2011
On the 21st December will we film the remaining scenes of the street sequence. We will be filming this in the evening, when the lighting is dark, to match what we will film on the 14th. The weather forecasts show that it will be cloudy in the evening. If we have to re-film any of these scenes this will have to be kept in mind for continuity, as, although we will not have many shots of the sky, the lighting will change.

Wednesday 12th January 2012
On this date we plan on filming the scene in the dance studio, where Sophie is shown to be practising ballet movements. We will use the school's multi-purpose room from 1.15 - 2.15. We will also film the remainder of the street scene from 4 - 5. Below you can see the weather forecast. As you can see, the lighting should be consistent and link well with the other scenes that we shot outside.

Monday 23rd January 2012 
Today we will shoot the scene in the toilet, where it is hinted at that Sophie has taken the drug. We will use the public toilets in Sandwich to film this from 3.30 - 4.00. We will also try to shoot any of the street sequence which is missing.

Wednesday 8th February 2012
We have looked back on the footage which we filmed on the 18th, and have decided to re-film the ballet sequence, as it wasn't as effective as we first hoped. We will also film the toilet scene, as we were unable to use the public toilets as they were shut. Instead, we plan on shooting in the toilets at Sandwich Technology School from 1.15 - 2.00. 

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