Wednesday 14 December 2011

'Remember Me' Poster Analysis


I feel that this poster is very effective. This is due to the black and white theme which runs throughout, except for in the title which is red. I have found that this is a recurring theme throughout drama posters. With the black and white background the red stands out, and immediately grabs the attention of the viewer. The colour of red holds connotations of blood and danger, reinforced by the title itself 'Remember Me', suggesting a theme of death. This is, again, reinforced by the grainy effect on the side of the poster. This shows that the film may be set in a run-down location, urban location. This is shown further by the hazy, blurred skyline in the background of the poster. The slightly worn effect of the poster, both on the side and in the typography, adds a sense of nostalgia. This is reflected in the name itself - 'Remember Me'. This, mixed with the slightly slanted title, adds to a sense of distortion and detachment. However, the emotions shown on the characters seems to go against all of the negative connotations which the poster holds, as they are both smiling broadly. This represents a theme of love which may be evident within the narrative of the film. This idea is reinforced by the colour of red use in the title. Both of these are a clear signifier that the film will belong in either the romance or the drama genre. Giving a clear signal as to the genre of the film through the poster is very important, and I will endeavour to portray the drama genre whilst creating my own poster. There is a very slight lens flare over the male character on the poster. This adds a sense of distance to the poster. The tagline"Live In The Moments" is not very evident and fits in with the rest of the text on the poster, which I feel is not very effective. I do, however, like how all of the text is slightly slanted, as, like I mentioned previously, it adds a surreal element to it. I also feel that the slightly worn looking typography is effective, as it makes the audience wonder as to why the text would be looking so run down and may entice them into seeing the film. I also feel that the fact that the directors and production companies are placed on the left of the poster at a slant is eye catching, as it is different and is not seen on many posters. This I may use when creating my own poster for my own short film production.

Above is an alternative version of the movie poster. The colours consist mainly of blue, white and black. Blue and white hold connotations of a dream-like quality, which is reflected in the name 'Remember Me'. The large images of the characters in the film shows that they will be in control of the narrative. The male is larger and takes up more space, which suggests that he will be more important. There is a skyline of a city in the background which shows where the film will be set. The tagline "every life has a meaning..." is placed above the characters, which means that it is relatable to them. The '...' invites the audience to draw their own meaning out of it. I feel that the section of the poster which is devoted to giving cast names perhaps takes up too much room and makes the poster lose it's sense of surrealism.

Out of the two version of the posters I have looked at I think that the first is the most effective, as it shows an element of gritty realism. The colours used are much more effective. I also feel that the poster holds a sense of enigma around it, as the couple shown seem happy, despite their gritty surroundings.

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