Wednesday 14 December 2011

Animation Experimental Footage

This is the footage which was used to experiment with animation within our production. We wanted to include a section of animation within our film to show Sophie's detachment from accepted ideology and the loss of her identity. We decided to experiment with the animation effect before including it in our production to see how it looked. Below are the experimental shots which we took:

From watching the experimental animation footage back, it is clear that the animation effect which we wanted to create through grouping many photos together in quick succession was effective. However, the animation is perhaps too quick, which creates a jumpy effect. Although we want a slightly jumpy effect in our production to symbolise Sophie's distortion and loss of identity, if we use animation as seen in our experiment I feel that it will be too erratic. To combat this issue, when we use it in our production I will ensure that the movements are more smooth. I also feel that the animation effect will be more effective if the lighting is slightly darker, as it will create a more surreal element within the film.

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