Friday 16 December 2011

Logo Analysis

I have decided to research and analyse different logos within the genre of film which I am producing. I feel that this will give me an idea of how films within the drama genre portray their logos. The logos which I am analysing are primarily shown on their posters as opposed to actually being within the film, although they could be used for both. Doing this research will enable me to conform or break the stereotypes portrayed when I create my logo for my own production.

Black Swan Logo Analysis

Above is the logo for the drama film 'Black Swan'. This film focuses on themes which are similar to my own production, such as a ballet dancer and the stress which the lifestyle brings. This is why I feel that analysing this logo will be beneficial in my research. I feel that the typography of this logo is quite effective, as the individual letters line up, reflecting the themes which are presented in the film of perfection. However, the logo does not grab my attention and is relatively plain, as it has no distinguishing features about it.

Fish Tank Logo Analysis

This is the logo for 'Fish Tank', which is also about an aspiring young dancer. The logo immediately suggests a sense of youth within the filming, giving the viewer an idea that the film will focus around a young person. This is shown through the use of bright blue and pink colours. The logo is in a sans-serif font, as it does not have any small appendixes coming out of the 'feet' of the letters. This shows that the film will be set in a modern time period. However, I feel that this logo is uninteresting as it lacks any interesting features which will make the audience remember it.

The Departed Logo Analysis

The colours used in this logo are very dark, a mixture of black, grey and blue. The font itself suggests that it will be set in a modern time period, due to the large block letters. The fact that the word 'The' is centred in the middle of the logo certainly draws attention to the film name, yet it almost looks messy and makes the logo difficult to read. However, this could be intentional and signify a sense of distortion, as suggested by the name of the film itself. The hole in the top left of the 'D', to me, suggests a bullet hole, emphasising a theme of violence which may run in the film. I feel that the colours used are effective in portraying genre.

War Of The Worlds Logo Analysis 

The film 'War Of The Worlds' does not focus on one character, but rather as the world as a whole on an epic scale. This I feel is reflected effectively in the logo of the film. Each of the words stands out, and almost appears as it is coming out of the screen at the viewer, involving them into the film before they've even seen it. The fact that the unimportant words - 'of the' are smaller is effective as it allows the audience to focus on the key words within the title. However, I feel that colour could have been used to portray more meaning, and perhaps the levelling of each of the words could have been moved to make the logo not as regimented.

Dirty Dancing Logo Analysis

This film also focuses on themes regarding dancing. I feel that this logo is effective as it looks like it has been scrawled out by one of the characters within the narrative, which immediately involves the audience within the film. I like how the logo is slightly slanted, as it adds to the effect that it has been written down. It also appears to be edgy and different. However, I feel that the dark red colour is not very appealing, and that perhaps a brighter colour could be used to grab people's attention and make it stand out.

Scarface Logo Analysis

The film 'Scarface' focuses around narcotics, which will be included within my own short film. The logo I feel is quite basic. However, the large font suggests the drama genre, and the colour of red holds connotations of blood and violence. The colour is also very eye-catching. I feel that the logo could be improved by a different alignment of letters to make the logo stand out even more.

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