Saturday 14 April 2012

Second Draft of 'Flight'

Above is the final draft of my short film 'Flight'. I uploaded this draft, as I did with the others, onto the video-sharing site Youtube. This allowed me to gain any feedback or insights into the film itself. Overall, I am pleased with how the film turned out. This is because the shots, mise-en-scene, sound and editing used throughout are effective and compliment each other well. All of the feedback which has been given to me over the course of production has been greatly beneficial to the film itself, as it meant that viewers were able to communicate with me effectively.

Below are some comments which have been given to me by my peers about the final draft of 'Flight'.
  • Abi Jones: "I really loved the final ever draft of your film. I think that it has progressed really well since when you first started, and it's good to see it all come together. I really like the sound used, as it matches the visuals on screen well."
  • Alex Cowan: "The shots within the film look really nice, and I particularly like the colours in the nature scene. The purple sky reflected in the water was one of my favourite bits of the whole thing. I haven't even got any improvements to give you - sorry!"
  • Edward Stow: "Wow, I'm really impressed with 'Flight'. It looks very effective, and throughout watching the short film I was glued! I really wanted to know what happened to Sophie and I really loved how you left the ending ambiguous. This meant that I was wondering what happened to the girl within the film after I had watched it."
I then shared my film on Tumblr to gain some responses as to what they thought of the final version of my film. This seemed like an appropriate choice of website as I have been continuously updating my followers with the progress of my film. The responses received can be found below:

As you can see from the image above, I received a high amount of praise for my short film through the social networking site Tumblr. Most of the feedback received was positive, pointing out the stronger aspects of the film such as the colouring and sound. However, one criticism was received, saying that some of the shots lasted for a higher duration of time than necessary. I disagree with this comment, as I feel that the shots are the appropriate length of time to show the themes within the short film.

My tutor noted some issues with the sound of the film. Some of these included that the beginning sequence had a long silence of around 40 seconds, and that the sound needed to be more original. Because of this, we decided to bear this in mind upon creating my third and final draft of the film. 

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