Saturday 21 April 2012

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I feel that the ways in which my products link and contrast each other compliment the overall production. It was of the utmost importance that each of the creations portrayed the genre of 'Flight' effectively, so that if the audience saw one of the products individually, they would instantly be able to recognise which genre it belongs to. This meant that I had to give each product it's own unique feel, yet still compliment the overriding themes which the short film dealt with. We firstly created the film itself, and then focused on linking it with the poster and the magazine review page.

 From my research into professional film products it was clear that posters which were created to advertise films effectively portrayed the genre of which they belong to. This allows audiences to immediately make links and connections in regards to the film before they have even had the opportunity to see it. This raises anticipation and gives a more professional-looking film and ancillary products.  This method is clearly shown by the film 'Black Swan' and it's poster, as shown below:


The 'Black Swan' poster clearly shows to the audience who the protagonist of the film is, which immediately  allows the audience to connect with them. The poster also holds connotations of drug use - due to the surreal make-up used on the character. The eye make-up in particular emphasises this idea. This makes the audience who view the poster feel slightly uneasy as the character within the poster looks unnatural. All of these themes given are in the film itself. From looking at this production it was clear which route I should follow upon creating my own products.

Upon reviewing our short film 'Flight', it was clear that the colour purple dominated most of the shots. This created a fantasy-like sequence in the centre of our film, which foreshadowed the impending hinted drug use. Due to the connotations that the sequence had, and the fact that it looked visually appealing, I decided that the use of purple should be the key factor which linked all of our products together. This creates a house-style which can be instantly recognised by the consumer, and allows them an insight into what themes 'Flight' deals with. Once I had decided on the linking theme that connects the film and the ancillary products, my group and I then had to choose a key shot from the nature sequence which both looked appealing and portrayed 'Flight' effectively.

From extensive research into conventions of real short films, it is stereotypically the poster which is shown first to audiences.  This meant that it meant that the poster had to be as effective as it could possibly be, as it would be the key feature which would raise interest amongst our audience. The second item that audiences would see would be the magazine review page - to gain a professional insight into the film itself. We ensured that this furthered the interest for our audience. Finally, the viewer would see the short production itself. Now, however, due to the immersion of Web 2.0 this has all changed. The marketing environment has now gone viral. The products can be shown on the internet and on social networking sites such as Facebook at any stage and in any order - meaning that each of the products had to have been as effective as possible. I feel that my products link together strongly enough to do so.

To effectively promote the magazine review page I have decided that it will be placed in 'Sight And Sound' magazine. Sight And Sound gives in-depth analysis of theatrical film releases from all over the UK. The magazine also gives information about film-makers, giving in-depth interviews with those involved. Due to the fact that the magazine focuses on a range of films and is renowned for it's success, I felt it was the perfect magazine to review 'Flight'.

The poster will be displayed not only physically, but also on social networking sites such as Facebook and Vimeo. On these websites there will be a link to the 'Sight and Sound' website where customers can purchase the edition of the magazine within which 'Flight' is reviewed. This will link our products together effectively, and will mean that a large number of people will be able to see all of our products easily.

As mentioned previously in my evaluation, one of the key links which combine my main product and ancillary products effectively is colour. Shown in the images above, the colours of black and purple link  the three items effectively, showing a house-style between the three. There is also the use of silhouettes which is harnessed throughout, adding an element of mystery and enigma to the film and it's products. It shows that the protagonist of the film is female, but other than that little information is given about the character, which will mean that audiences will be intrigued to view her story. The fact that the images in each of the three products are taken from the same scene further strengthens the combination between the film and the ancillary products, as it only gives a small insight into the entire production. The magazine review harnesses the techniques of 'Sight & Sound' well, sticking to the conventions of the magazine. The poster and film also conform to the conventions of each form of media.

However, although the products link well together, I do feel that there is one weakness that does not strengthen the combination of the three, and that is the logo which is used. In each product, the logo differs, as shown by the images below: 

Although each logo works effectively within it's own individual product, they do not collectively give a linking theme. To make the film and ancillary products more effective I would consider changing these logos and selecting one to strengthen the already established links between the three items. 

In conclusion, I am pleased with the ways in which my film and ancillary products combine together, despite the differing logos. I feel that they could be effectively shown individually and be effective at portraying the tone and genre of the film to the audience, yet combined they work even better. The colouring used effectively weaves the three items together, which shows to the audience a sense of professionalism which surrounds the production. I am also pleased with the way in which only one scene is visually shown in the poster and magazine review page, as this will entice audiences to watch the short film.

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