Monday 2 January 2012

Qualitative Research

From looking at the audience research we conducted previously, it was clear that the responses given did not greatly benefit my production. The audience interviews resulted in closed answers, due to the general amount of close questions asked. Due to these closed responses, there was only so much that we could change about our production. The questions asked were focused towards more of a quantitative research style, as opposed to qualitative. Quantitative research focuses on gaining mass responses of closed answers, whereas qualitative focuses more towards gaining long, precise answers, although in a fewer number. Using quantitative research resulted in the people we interviewed not going into depth about what they did or did not like about the film or what they expected to see within the social realist genre, meaning that 'Flight' did not benefit as much as it could have from the research conducted. To combat this issue, we decided to conduct some qualitative research. We questioned around 5 to 6 people within a focus group. Doing this amounted to a wide range of views and opinions given, who went into detail about the questions asked. The questions that we asked the focus group are shown below. As you can see, many of the questions asked feature the words 'why'. This urges the audience to expand on their point.

1. What issues would you expect to be covered in a social realist based film with the underlying theme of drug use?

2. What characters would you expect to see in a short film of this type, why?

3. What locations do you feel would be appropriate to use in a production of this sort, why?

4. What type of emotion do you expect to feel when watching a production of this sort, why?

5. What type of moral message do you expect the audience to be left with after watching a production focused on narcotics?

6. What editing techniques do you feel would be appropriate in a production of this sort?

7. Do you think that the film should have a realistic or more surreal element to it, why?

8. What kind of sound do you expect to be used to portray meaning to the audience?

Above are two members of our focus group responding to our qualitative research questions.

From conducting this qualitative research, it has clearly outlined the expectations of the social realist genre. This has greatly helped the production of 'Flight' as we know now what to include within our film to ensure that it effects audiences and viewers. The moral message is clear to have been to show the negative side of focusing on narcotics, which we will be sure to include within the narrative. It is also clear that youths are a key age grouping for the social realist genre, meaning that we will be sure to focus on this theme.

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