Sunday 18 September 2011

Genre Information

  • Horror – Horror films make the audience feel uneasy. They are usually set in dark, gruesome locations which immediately set the tone of the film. Many horrors contain scenes which shock or even repulse viewers, by containing scenes of physical attack. Horrors contain multiple scenes of death, and usually revolve around one or more character(s) trying to escape from a gruesome fate. Camera-work is often shaky to convey character emotion, and music is normally low-pitched and foreboding. Titles include 'Saw', 'Final Destination' and 'Frakenstein'.
  • Comedy – Comedy films are split directly into two target audiences – adult and children. Adult comedy focuses on putting a comedic twist on real-life situations, and often contains scenes of sex, swearing and violence. Children's comedy films, however, are much more light-hearted and portray loveable characters. Titles include 'RV', 'Yes Man' and 'The Inbetweeners Movie'
  • Drama – Drama films tend to focus on one character, and show how they battle any problems which present themselves in their life. They can be set in a range of eras, ranging from period to modern. The target audience also varies, ranging from teenagers to adults. Drama films tend to present situations to the audience which they can relate to, and normally have some kind of moral issue behind it. Titles include 'Pride and Prejudice'.
  • Thriller -Thriller films often use a range of tense music, past-paced editing and long silences to create tension within the audience. The thriller genre is often closely linked with horror, as both make the audience feel uneasy and anxious. However, thriller films usually play more of the mental side of the human mind, rather than focuses on physical deformation. Titles include 'Panic Room', 'Flight Plan' and 'Cry Wolf'.
  • Fantasy – Fantasy films create a sense of escapism for the viewer. They either take place in a completely fictitious setting or take a different spin on one which already exists. Many fantasy films are often based from novels. Titles include 'Lord of the Rings', 'Stardust' and 'Alice In Wonderland'.
  • Family – Family films are ones which appeal to a wide target audience, meaning that the whole family enjoy them. They are often linked with the Adventure and Comedy genres, and are very likely to be animated. They are normally unrealistic and provide a sense of escapism. Titles include 'Up', 'Cars' and 'Shrek'.
  • Adventure – Adventure films sees the protagonist embark on a journey or epic quest. They are normally high-budget films and created by major Hollywood studios. These, too, are unrealistic and provide escapism and entertainment for the viewer. Titles include 'Lord of the Rings', 'Eragon' and 'Toy Story 3'
  • Romance – Typically, romantic films focus on the relationship of two people. It shows how they meet, and how they over-come the troubles which they both face. Close-ups are frequently used, which allows the audience to understand the character's emotions. Long shots are also used, normally portraying to the audience a sense of deep thought or isolation. The music used consists of pianos and violins, which connotes to the viewer a sense of emotion. Titles include 'The Notebook', '500 Days of Summer' and 'PS, I Love You'. 

    From this reasearch we have decided to create a drama short film. We feel that this will be the genre in which we can compose the most meaning to the audience through cinematography, sound and editing. We can also explore morals through this genre, which will be a large theme in our short film. We think that we will create a modern drama, as opposed to period drama, as it will relate more to our target audience of teenagers.

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