Thursday 8 September 2011

Short Film Analysis: Unkle Feat. Nick Cave 'Money and Run'

Within the opening sequence it depicts a man getting ready, and checking himself in the mirror. The fact that the room has several mirrors around connotes a sense of vanity and self-indulgence. The background music begins to play quietly, and suggests a sense of impending doom. When the music begins to play, the screen shows a setting, of a group of men talking on the phone, writng and talking to one another. The lighting is very dark and suggests that they are operating outside of society's rules. As the short film progresses, the music becomes louder and louder, suggesting a sense of anorchy. The film itself represents the state of modern society, and how some people are allowed to operate outisde of society's rules. Medium close-ups are frequently used of the men's faces. This allows the audience to see their emotions, whether it's anger, confusion or excitement. Throughout the film long shots are used which shows scenes of nature to the audience. Then, the group of men enter the shot. This represents how in modern society how destructive humans can be. Intercut with the scenes of nature, is a scene of the men in a dining hall. The props used here show indulgence and extravagence, which allows the audience to know that the men care about themselves, and only themselves. This is shown by the use of close ups of candles, silver cutlery and golden curtains. The men in the short film are also quite dominant, and this is shown by both character positioning and character actions. The men push another man into a swimming pool, they are above him laughing at him, whilst the man is in the pool, beneath them. This shows to the audience that they only care about themselves, and have no regard for other people's feelings. In one part of the film, a mid shot is used of a black, posh car driving in a run down area. The men taunt people who live in that area, suggesting that they think that they are better than them. This shows that social class is still rife into today's society. A long shot is later used, depicting a woman wrapped in a towel running away from a man. This is shown in slow motion, which represents the woman's desperate struggle to escape from the male dominant enviroment. This shows that the men only see woman as objects. The whole short film is an extended metaphor, representing how society is selfish and indulgent, and how nobody seems to care for another anymore.

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