Tuesday 11 October 2011

My Role: Cinematographer

My role within the production will be cinematographer. 

This will require setting up and shooting the shots for the film, and ensuring that all are of a high quality. The camera will have to steady, and any movements will have to flow smoothly. All of the shots will have to be appealing to the eye. The shots and movements I chose to use will also have to portray meaning to the audience. The shots will also have to have some relevance to how the character is feeling, as this will allow the audience to connect with them more. Framing is of high importance when considering cinematography, as this is one of the key aspects that the audience notices upon viewing films and productions.

Key conventions of cinematography include:

  • Using framing to convey meaning. One convention used in many films is that if the character is positioned to the left of the frame, it holds negative connotations, whereas if they are positioned on the right it holds positive connotations. Characters are rarely in the complete centre of the shot for the entirety of the film, as this does not look visually appealing. 
  • Shallow depth of field is another key technique that cinematographers can use to show meaning. Usually, the character, although it could be an object if necessary, are in focus, whereas the background is blurred. This signifies how important the protagonist (or antagonist) is at progressing the narrative.
  • Camera movements are not to be underestimated upon filming a production. They can have just as much meaning as mise-en-scene and varieties of shots. Tracking holds connotations of having scenes of high intensities, tilt tends to focus more on the characters themselves, and panning is generally used to set the location. 
  • Different shots are the most evident forms of conveying themes and ideas to the viewer. Close ups allow an insight into the character's thoughts and feelings, establishing shots set the setting, and long shots hold connotations of isolation.
I will consider using all of these methods upon creating my own production. However, to ensure that my film is effective as it possibly can be, I will consider breaking these conventions and stereotypes to make it stand out. 

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